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Looking after our community and providing excellent care

Smoking Cessation

The most effective way to stop smoking is with a combination of stop smoking medication and specialist behavioural support provided by a specialist stop smoking service.

Using stop smoking medications, you are 2 times more likely to successfully stop smoking. However, when stop smoking medication is combined with specialist behavioural support you are 4 times more likely to successfully stop smoking. 

Quit Your Way Orkney - Stop Smoking Service

Quit Your Way Orkney is your free, friendly, local NHS specialist stop service.  We support any Orkney resident who wants to stop smoking to find the best way for them to quit and support them to stop smoking and stay stopped. 

Support from Quit Your Way Orkney includes:

  • Help to develop a personal 12-week quit plan
  • Support to develop plans to change your habit and control cravings
  • Regular contact with a specialist stop smoking advisor
  • Encouragement and advice on maintaining your quit
  • Advice on using stop smoking medications
  • Free access to a range of stop smoking medication
  • Telephone or video call appointments (using NHS Near Me).  For more information about NHS Near Me click here.

We can offer appointments to individuals and groups of two who want to quit together (for example a couple or two people living in the same household). 

If you have been supported by Quit Your Way Orkney before and returned to smoking we will support you again, without judgement, to quit your way.  

Anyone who would like support to stop smoking from Quit Your Way Orkney can refer themselves to the service using the contact methods below.  We are also very happy to answer any questions you may have about stopping smoking with no obligation for you to commit to making a quit attempt with us.  

Contact Quit Your Way Orkney:

Phone: 01856 888084 or use the freephone number 0800 035 6344


Online: Complete this form - choose the 'Click to be contacted' option. 

Stop Smoking Medications 

All prescription medications are requested through the GP Practice you are registered with.  To ensure safe and appropriate prescribing, the Doctor or Pharmacist who is prescribing the medication may call you to discuss your choices.  This conversation will not take long and is in your best interests to ensure the medications being prescribed are appropriate for you.  

Nicotine Replacement Therapy

Nicotine Replacement Therapies (NRT) are nicotine products which provide a low dose of nicotine and are used to reduce the cravings and withdrawals experienced when stopping smoking.  These products do not contain the harmful substances in tobacco and are considered a clean source of nicotine to be used for the purpose of stopping smoking. 

NRT is proven to be more effective when used in dual combination. This means using two NRT products at the same time to give you the most relief from cravings, for example, wearing a nicotine patch daily and using nicotine lozenges regularly throughout the day. Your advisor will ask you several questions to help you determine which dosage and regularity you should try with these products to give you the most relief and the best chance of quitting for good. 

Stopping smoking with support from Quit Your Way Orkney gives you access to 12 weeks of free stop smoking medication.  Over the 12 weeks we will work with you to gradually reduce the amount of NRT that you are using.  This is called weaning.  Our aim is to have you no longer using NRT by week 12 and for you to be nicotine and tobacco free.  

NRT is suitable for adults and children over 12 years old, including pregnant and breastfeeding women.  If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, your advisor will discuss NRT use with you providing any additional information you may require. Stopping smoking during pregnancy is one of the best things you can do for your unborn baby, enabling them to have a healthy start in life.

Side Effects

As with all medications, NRT can have some side effects, although they can be difficult to distinguish from the side effects of stopping smoking.  Some side effects include nausea, dizziness, heartburn and headaches.  If any side effects do occur, you should discuss them with your advisor and they will provide advice and support on how to move forward.

More information on the medication that can help you stop smoking is available at NHS Inform.

Nicotine Vapour Products (also known as e-cigarettes)

Nicotine Vapour Products (NVPs), also known as e-cigarettes or vapes, are relatively new and rapidly evolving products.  Research into the safety and effectiveness or e-cigarettes is relatively new and their long-term impacts are not yet known.  

The best evidence available suggests that using an e-cigarette instead of smoking tobacco will benefit your health.  The benefit is not from the e-cigarette but from no longer smoking tobacco.

NVPs should only be used as an aid to stopping smoking and not as a lifestyle product.  

Some people prefer to use e-cigarettes to try to stop smoking.  If you would prefer to stop smoking using an e-cigarette we can support you to do this.  If you wish to use an e-cigarette to stop smoking you need to buy it and the equipment yourself.  The Quit Your Way Orkney team are trained to discuss the use of e-cigarettes as a stop smoking tool and can support you to choose the best approach for you.  

More information can be found on e-cigarettes at NHS Inform.




Contact Quit Your Way Orkney

Phone: 01856 888084 or use the freephone number 0800 035 6344


Online: Complete this form - choose the 'Click to be contacted' option. 


Getting in touch

We shall be delighted to hear from you, so here are the various ways of contacting us:

The Balfour

By telephone to:
01856 888100
(during office hours)

01856 888000
(out of hours)

By e-mail to:

By letter to the address below:

Foreland Road
KW15 1NZ